Author Archives: marchmoran

Getting Started.

I suppose the flood in the basement is a good place to start. It’s not the real beginning just the point in time that I started taking photos on a somewhat regular basis. Needless to say it was a disruptive … Continue reading

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After The Flood!

Not that kind of flood. This was the inside your basement shop version. The accumulation of rust was pretty much the epic   proportion kind.  

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Handscrew Clamp Rack

I probably got my first wooden clamps well over 20 years ago. I remember thinking that they were so expensive that the most clamps I would ever own were the four I already had. Well I kept purchasing them over … Continue reading

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Chisel Rack

My original set of chisels are German made, hold a keen edge but were poorly manufactured. About ten years ago I hand ground the sides to give then a more tapered profile. It was a lot of work but came … Continue reading

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Setup Bench

Test Page

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Maple Work Bench

This is a test page.

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Hello world!

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

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