Handscrew Clamp Rack

Handscrew Clamp Rack 004

Handscrew Clamp Rack 004

I probably got my first wooden clamps well over 20 years ago. I remember thinking that they were so expensive that the most clamps I would ever own were the four I already had. Well I kept purchasing them over time and I know they saw you can never have too many clamps, but I think I’m full up on Handscrews.

I came up with a clamp rack prototype for specifically for handscrews about 15-20 clamps ago and thought I would incorporate the design into a standing cabinet some day.  After the flood I was (and still am) organizing storage any way I can.  In my previous shop, tool storage was okay but not great. Extra clamps were stacked underneath my bench were. I like the way this works but the handles bang when removing or inserting clamps. They could have been spaced a little further above and below each other but then I wouldn’t have been able to squeeze as many in the space.

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